The only statistic that matters
I don’t think I am alone when I tell you that when one is
diagnosed with cancer the digestion of statistics and knowledge about the
disease is overwhelming. The first thing you want to know is how long am I going
to live? What are my chances of survival? Internet searches ensue, data is compiled
and opinions are formed. Sounds a bit crazy but that’s what happens. This is a
very critical point in the fight against this insidious disease. Do you plan
and live your life based on this data? Is it relevant data? Can it be trusted?
Am I just one of the 450,000 men under 45 who will be diagnosed this year
The problem with the noble pursuit of knowledge is that it’s
all man based. I have a physical and a spiritual battle being waged within my
body. What I really need to know is what God says about my chances. This data
is not found on the web, there are no fancy charts, national statistics or
survival rates when one places their hope in God healing them. I have done
everything the doctors have told me to do and now I wait for God to perform His
work in me. Please let me make myself abundantly clear; God will heal me by using
talented doctors, the best family and friends a man could want and my faith in
His ability to do the impossible.
Lesson- Matt 13:15- 15 For this people's heart (our world)
has become calloused (fearful); they hardly hear with their ears, and they have
closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their
ears, understand with their hearts and turn (look to God), and I would heal
them.' NIV
We do not want to become calloused by the trends of this world.
Remember; we were created by God, in His image, for His purpose, for His glory
and to be His light in the darkness. I HAVE PLACED MY HOPE IN GOD!
Matt's doc wouldn't quote stats (this was before internet) she said she believed all her kids had 100% chance of survival and she intended to give 100% to make it happen. Justin's mom was given months to live, chance of survival at one year less than 5%, at 5 years -zero chance - and yet she is living and breathing today almost 8 years out. Jon healthy and happy, gone in a moment. His thoughts are not like ours, His plans - who can figure out. We place our lives in His hands and live to the fullest, everyday is a gift. Love you : ) nanc