Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Time to Think

Well I’m back from my timeout; it was well worth it! This particular timeout was purposeful with respect to the decisions that I am in the midst of making. One thing that became abundantly clear to me was the way I have been living my life, or not living my life. I was confronted with the question of exactly how I acquired this insidious disease. It became clear to me that stress, diet, worry, doubt, fear and an overall concern about my life performance, were the primary factors that led to my illness. My life was way too complicated and busy to experience the abundance that God desired for me. I was headed for disaster and if it wasn’t cancer than it would have been something else. My body was saying what my spirit tried to say; STOP and rest.

Prayer reveled a truth that my first pastor communicated to me a long time ago; “God’s opinion of me makes mans opinion irrelevant”. This statement probably means nothing to you, but for me they are words that speak to my tired and hungry sprit. I was simply trying to rest in what man thought of me and not resting in what God thought of me. Those of you who know me well saw this coming; I’m sure this is not a surprise revelation to you. Faith is knowing that God is pleased and everyone else is pissed off! The weight of leadership can be heavy at times but it is unbearable when you make it your aim to please everyone but God. In the words of John Mayer- “Stop This Train, I want to get off and go home again; I can’t take speed it’s moving in”. I know you’re disappointed that I did not wax biblical, but that line was on my heart.

So where do I go from here? I make it my mission to please God and deal with the disappointment from others. I need His encouragement more than I need chemo therapy. This process will be a day by day struggle for me because I so want to keep people happy. I need your prayers. I would rather die pleasing God than live trying to make everyone happy! I have set a course that I believe pleases God and I am compelled to follow it at all costs.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Max's Hand

Lord grant me all the time I need so that Max's hand grows as big as my hand.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Time Out

Blessing all, I trust everyone is holding up ok. Well, round #3 of chemo is complete and all the steroids have been consumed and I'm on vacation. I woke up this morning and had my devotion (my time with God) on the balcony overlooking the beautiful ocean waters of Catalina. This island has become annual resting place. I said annual, not final! I am taking this oportunity today to pray for all of you have faithfully followed me on this journey; my fith trial.

Lord, I pray for all those who are need of healing. We can trust you for healing because it's who you are and part of your character. Healing is one of your names and your son was called "The Great Physician". Trust God for your healing today! Follow me and I will show you the way!

Lord I pray for those who are stressed. Lord, you are the Prince of Peace; be their peace today. Calm the storm in their life and remind them to fix their eyes on you; the author and finisher of their faith.

Lord I pray for those who are overwhelmed with worry. Worry is not something you designed; it is extremely dangerous for your kids to engage in it. You are faithful, you will fix whatever is broken, you will provide for what's needed and you will bring about the change that we hope for.

Lord I pray for those who are are having relationship problems; marriage, dating, friendships and family issues. If we desire you to move in healing our relationship we must heal our relationship with you. We will never have the heart to heal relationships until your heart becomes our heart. Be wrong, be second and just make peace.

If you need prayer email me, I have the time and I have been faithful to pray for whatever needs you may have.

Lesson- these are more than just words on a screen; they are for you. They have power because He has power. They matter because you matter to Him. He will grant us these things because He has promised to do so. Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Great Morning!

Well for those of you who pray, you know that one of the best times to pray is in the morning; preferably before the sun rises. I have my devotion time (time with God alone) almost every morning. Most of the time, I read and then pray about everything that concerns me. This morning was different. My mind was filled with questions, questions that most of us are afraid to ask. I approach God in a very practical way; it’s what makes my relationship with Him unique; not better than yours, just different. I have leaned to forego all the emotion and just approach Him like I would my father. I could talk to my dad about anything; I miss him greatly. Ok, so back to my morning. As I sat on my bed thinking about all my issues I realized that I had more questions than requests. It’s not that I did not have need; I just had a hard time verbalizing it. So I started journaling all of my questions and pouring out all my fears, my what if’s, my how my gonna’s and all the things I think about but don’t talk about. Something profound happened. I experienced a great peace about all my worries and stressors. You see, God wants me in a state of need; need for His presence in my life. So here’s the kicker- my circumstance have not changed but my perspective was completely transformed as I was reminded again that God wants me to be dependent on Him.

Lesson- for those of you who have a hard time connecting with God start asking Him about all the issues of your life. Forgo answers for the moment and focus on connection and relationship with Him. Seek Him first and all the undone issues of your life will be resolved.  

Chemo on Tuesday so please pray!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Good News Update

Well we prayed and God answered. I had a sonogram on my heart to check and see if the fluid surrounding my heart had decreased. The doc confirmed that the fluid was completely gone. I’m stoked! This was a big concern of my doctors and a big weight on my chest. My hope is fueled by the results of this test; I feel like God can do anything. Once again, God has answered our prayer and remember it could have been YOUR prayer that He honored.

My second miracle occurred this past weekend. My daughter Grace signed our team up for the Relay for Life (an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society). We were the last team to join the event and had very little time to organize. Despite our late start, we finished first in fundraising ($3,500) and had over 100 friends, family members and church family walk and run on the track for 24 hours. I am surrounded by the best of the best! We received encouragement and hope from survivors and cancer warriors; I was completely blessed.

Lesson- don’t stop now! My fight is not over. Please continue to pray specifically for the tumor in my chest to be completely destroyed by the chemo therapy. I want every cancer cell destroyed that is in my body. I don’t want to be a picture of remembrance at next year’s Relay. I want to be one of the speakers and testify how God healed me and how He used people to bless me and give me hope. Please pray specially for these things. Your prayers matter! If you need prayer for anything please email me (privately) at  and I will be faithful to pray for you.

Physical update- I feel pretty good, I walked 26 laps at the relay and paid the price but it was worth it. I meet with my oncology doc 8/13/2012 and round #3 of chemo is 8/14/2012. I’m bald as a bowling ball and sore as hell.      

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Gift From God

God has been exceptionally good to me. From day one of The Fifth Trial my girlfriend Tammy has stood by my side through circumstances that I thought I was immune from. I was convinced before all this stuff went down that I had been given someone very special; someone who was strong physically and mentally. The thing that really surprised me was her spiritual strength. I knew she was tuff, I knew her story and all her struggles and how she has persevered, but what I have seen in the last 5 weeks has left me speechless. She is fearless, obstinate, demanding (in a good way), compassionate and relentless! I have never felt alone in this trial; with Tammy, it’s always “we”. When I am away from her I can hear her say “Davis, you’re not going anywhere”. She is in this with me; like she has this disease. For those of you who know her, you know what I’m talking about. I know I am undeserving of this caliber of person in my life; I have an incredible gift and I am grateful.

Lesson- So wrap your brain around this; God is for you! He wants to give you gifts because He loves you. We are all undeserving of His benefits; they are not earned so just accept them. Most of you have the best things from God right under your nose- so look down and you will see them! God sent me the perfect person at the perfect time because I’m His kid and He digs me. Say it, God is for me!